Documentary Collection
Meeting your trading obligations
Keep your cash longer by simplifying your trade settlements. Let us handle your commercial and financial documents without tying up your line of credit so that you can get on with trade business.
Export Documentary Collection
As per Exporter instructions, AlRajhi Bank sends the documentary collection to the importer bank in order to be delivered to the importer against payment or against acceptance. Al Rajhi Bank traces receipt of the payment/acceptance from the importer bank
Features and Benefits:
- Current Accounts with Al Rajhi Bank.
- Fill & submit Export Documentary Collection application.
Import Documentary Collection
AlRajhi Bank notifies the customer (importer) upon receipt of the documentary collection from the Exporter Bank. Normally AlRajhi Bank delivers the documents to the customer as per exporter bank instructions either against payment or against acceptance.
Features and Benefits:
- Competitive pricing compared to other Trade Finance products.
- No Obligation to pay or accept the draft.
Murabaha Avalization for Import documentary collection
Avalization is an irrevocable undertaking by AlRajhi Bank to pay the exporter the value of the drafts accepted by the customer (importer) under documentary collections at maturity date.
By involving Murabha Finance, AlRajhi Bank can pay the exporter at sight while the importer still pays at the maturity date of the draft.
Features and Benefits:
- Enhances relationships with suppliers by providing them with a trust that they are trading with credit worthy customers.
- Allows ARB customers to acquire better credit terms with extended financing periods from suppliers.
How to Apply
- Current Accounts with Al Rajhi Bank
- Fill & submit Export Documentary Collection application.
Frequently Asked Questions:
By Trade Automation notifications service , we will notify you through the system automatically when we receive new documents by, SMS, FAX , E-mail ,Also you can track the status of your documents through our website, in order to use this service, you need to enter the tracking number.
The banks have no labiality in case of non – payment / non- performance under documentary collection, whereas under LC, the issuing bank must pay if documents are clean.